Sunday, October 11, 2009

Say No tO Alcoholism~

Alcoholism is drinking alcoholic beverages at a level that interferes with physical health, mental health, and social, family, or job. Alcoholism is a type of drug addiction. There is both physical and mental dependence on alcohol. Alcoholism is divided into 2 categories: dependence and abuse. People who are dependent on alcohol spend a great deal of time drinking alcohol, and getting it.

Physical dependence involves:
  • A need for increasing amounts of alcohol to get drunk or achieve the desired effect (tolerance)
  • Alcohol-related illnesses
  • Memory lapses (blackouts) after drinking episodes
  • Withdrawal symptoms when alcohol use is stopped
The most severe drinking behavior includes long drinking binges that lead to mental or physical problems. Some people are able to gain control over their dependence in earlier phases before they totally lose control. But no one knows which heavy drinkers will be able to regain control and which will not. Even a few drinks can change behavior, slow motor skills, and decrease the ability to think clearly. Alcohol can impair concentration and judgment. Drinking a lot of alcohol can cause drunkenness (intoxication).
Some of the symptoms of alcoholism include:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Confusion
  • Drinking alone
  • Episodes of violence with drinking
  • Hostility when confronted about drinking
  • Lack of control over drinking -- being unable to stop or reduce alcohol intake
  • Making excuses to drink
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Need for daily or regular alcohol use to function
  • Neglecting to eat
  • Not caring for physical appearance
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Secretive behavior to hide alcohol use
  • Shaking in the morning
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Causes of
lAlcoholism often causes nutritional deficiency.
 Alcohol can disturb body function by causing nutrient deficiencies and by usurping the machinery needed to metabolize nutrients.
lalcohol inhibits fat absorption and thereby impairs absorption of the vitamins A, E, and D that are normally absorbed along with dietary fats.
lVitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the B vitamins, also deficient in some alcoholics, are all involved in wound healing and cell maintenance (14). In particular, because vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting, deficiencies of that vitamin can cause delayed clotting and result in excess bleeding
lDeficiencies of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc are common in alcoholics, although alcohol itself does not seem to affect the absorption of these minerals.  Mineral deficiencies can cause a variety of medical consequences from calcium-related bone disease to zinc-related night blindness and skin lesions.

vegetables containing vitamin K.

Once the immediate alcohol problem has been addressed, treatment goals include:
l-Controlling symptoms
l-Maximizing ability to function independently
l-Preventing injury ( due to lack of vitamin K)
l-It is important to supplement the diet with vitamins, including thiamine and folic acid.
- other treatment by nutreint, take another kind of beverage such as coffee, or for the new best trial, why not taking KOPI RADIX.. Insyaallah, it is good for treating this addiction. bi iznillah..
also, get well balance-diet, exercise, make relationship better with family and friends. avoid to befriend with the bad people..

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